New ŠKODA OCTAVIA world premiere in pictures

Mladá Boleslav/Prague, 11 November 2019 - An impressive start for the new ŠKODA OCTAVIA: 700 guests, among them many VIPs, were present on Monday night at the Prague National Gallery's Trade Fair Palace to witness ŠKODA introduce the fourth-generation ŠKODA OCTAVIA. The ŠKODA best-seller entered the limelight to the sounds of "Opus OCTAVIA", a special piece composed by jazz musician Jesse Milliner for the occasion and performed by the Czech Philharmonic and the Time for Three string trio. Tens of thousands of fans followed the presentation online via livestream.

› ŠKODA best-seller’s fourth generation introduced to the sounds of “Opus OCTAVIA”

› 700 guests attend world premiere at Prague Trade Fair Palace

› Even larger, better and more emotive: the ŠKODA OCTAVIA reaches new dimensions

Mladá Boleslav/Prague, 11 November 2019 – An impressive start for the new

ŠKODA OCTAVIA: 700 guests, among them many VIPs, were present on Monday night at the

Prague National Gallery’s Trade Fair Palace to witness ŠKODA introduce the fourthgeneration

ŠKODA OCTAVIA. The ŠKODA best-seller entered the limelight to the sounds of

“Opus OCTAVIA”, a special piece composed by jazz musician Jesse Milliner for the

occasion and performed by the Czech Philharmonic and the Time for Three string trio. Tens

of thousands of fans followed the presentation online via livestream.

On ŠKODA Storyboard you can find the Press Kit for the new ŠKODA OCTAVIA, including

texts, photographs and videos, is available for download.

For another look at the 35-minute vehicle presentation broadcast, go to Twitter.

A video with highlights from the world premiere is available at


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